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Config Provider

Wraps your app to provide global configurations.
  • Enables all primitives to inherit global reading direction.
  • Enables changing the behavior of scroll body when setting body lock.
  • Much more controls to prevent layout shifts.


Import the component.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ConfigProvider } from 'radix-vue'

    <slot />

API Reference

Config Provider

When creating localized apps that require right-to-left (RTL) reading direction, you need to wrap your application with the ConfigProvider component to ensure all of the primitives adjust their behavior based on the dir prop.

You can also change the global behavior of bodylock for components such as Alert, DropdownMenu and etc to fit your layout to prevent any content shifts.

'ltr' | 'rtl'

The global reading direction of your application. This will be inherited by all primitives.

boolean | ScrollBodyOption

The global scroll body behavior of your application. This will be inherited by the related primitives.

(() => string)

The global useId injection as a workaround for preventing hydration issue.


Use the config provider.

Set global direction to rtl, and scroll body behavior to false (will not set any padding/margin).

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ConfigProvider } from 'radix-vue'

    <slot />

Hydration issue (Vue < 3.5)

We expose a temporary workaround to allow current Nuxt (with version >3.10) project fix the current hydration issue by using useId provided by Nuxt.

Inspired by Headless UI

<!-- in Nuxt's app.vue -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ConfigProvider } from 'radix-vue'

const useIdFunction = () => useId()

  <ConfigProvider :use-id="useIdFunction">
